Email Overload

Dilbert by Scott Adams

Addicted to Email
© Universal Uclick

How many email accounts do you have? Active email accounts, not your high school or college accounts like and And not dummy accounts so you can enter a contest or get coupons 14 times.

I have three – not counting work or school – and my wife thinks it’s a bit much. But hear me out… I have a personal account for family, friends, social networks, job hunting, etc. I have a financial account for banks, 401(k)s, ongoing bills, etc. And I have a purchases account for online purchases and misc stuff that I don’t feel is personal or financial.

I get very little spam email in any of these accounts which is nice, but I figure of the three I’m most likely to get spam in the purchases account. Which is fine because all I’m expecting in there are “thank you for signing up for an account…” and “purchase confirmation from…” Basically, not very important emails and if I do get a website that uses my information maliciously it’s not going to clog the two important accounts.

Take away: I do things in particular manners that work for me and you just wasted five minutes reading something not very worthwhile.

Bill & Ted Plot Error

Bill & Ted

Bill & Ted
© MGM Studios Inc.

While writing my previous post on Time Travel Paradoxes it dawned on me that among all the movie plot errors there is one I’ve never heard anyone point out. In Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure had all the time (no pun intended) to get their report done unlike Rufus informed them.

What pray tell is this? Rufus told Bill & Ted that no matter where they go (time or location) that time continues moving forward in their ‘time’ and they had to be at the school giving their presentation at whatever time… Um, they have a time machine, if they spend another ten minutes or fifty days finding another historical person they always could have gone to five minutes before their presentation was due and be ready.

And yes, this is the plot error I’m pointing out in this movie, nothing else.

Take away: movie writers are often dumb when it comes to plot devices.